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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Constipation and Hemorrhoids

4:53 PM


Women previously unaffected by constipation before childbirth can suffer from constipation after childbirth and develop hemorrhoids. In many cases, treating constipation automatically relieves and treats hemorrhoids.


# A decline in intestinal activity, due to hormones from the placenta, continues for a few days after delivery.
# Pain from the perineotomy region prevents pushing during bowel movements.
# Many mothers have difficulty going to the bathroom because of enemas they received before giving birth.


# Constipation medicine is routinely used after childbirth. If there are no bowel movements after 3 to 4 days and there is a heavy feeling, a suppository or enema may help.
# Enemas and suppositories can become habitual. Try to avoid using enemas and suppositories, and, instead, eat food that does not cause constipation.


# Severe hemorrhoids are very painful. They are caused by:
# An enlarged uterus applies pressure to the veins. Veins in the anus become congested from pushing while constipated.
# Women who did not experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy can get hemorrhoids as a result of pushing during delivery.


# Most hemorrhoids heal with time and sitz baths. It is important not to become constipated; if pain is severe, painkillers, suppositories, and spray local anesthetics should be used.
# Severe pain should subside after 2-3 days, but if pain is severe a local anesthesia can be applied to remove coagulated blood and ease symptoms.
# If severe symptoms and discomfort continue after puerperium (i.e., the period from the end of the third stage of labor until the involution of the uterus has occurred-may be three to six weeks) consult a surgeon to decide on a surgical solution.

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