Emergency contraception is needed when contraception has either been forgotten or to prevent pregnancy after a sexual assault. This type of contraception has been available since the 1960s, but in the past there were many complications from the high levels of hormones this method contained; today, however, the levels are lower and there are fewer complications from this method of contraception. The exact mechanics of this type of contraception are unknown, but it is thought to block implantation. A doctor must prescribe hormones within 3 days of intercourse or assault. Side effects of these hormones include nausea, vomiting, mammaglia, headache, and dizziness; the failure rate for this type of contraception is 1-2%. It is necessary to visit a hospital 3 weeks after taking emergency contraception to confirm contraception and to consult a doctor about future contraception methods. Contraception
Many times couples are overwhelmed by an unwanted pregnancy. Learning the appropriate method of contraception and using it will help ensure a long and healthy sex life.
Depending on whether contraception is for the cessation of childbearing or to control the age span between siblings, there are temporary and permanent methods. Traditional contraception prevents the meeting of sperm and egg. Condoms, vaginal diaphragms, spermicide, abstinence, abortion, and rhythm method are such methods. Other widely used methods include oral contraceptives, progesterone injection contraception, and hormonal intrauterine devices. And if necessary, there are permanent contraceptive operations that tie the seminal duct or fallopian tubes.
Ejaculating outside of the vagina (withdrawal method)
Mainly used in 19th century Europe, this method is still used today. When the man is about to ejaculate, sex is stopped and he ejaculates outside of the vagina. The man must have his emotions under control, sexual feeling may be less, and it is difficult for a man with premature ejaculation to use this method. About 50% of men can voluntarily time their ejaculations, so using this method can be a big disadvantage. Contraception failure rate is relatively high.
The rhythm method
The rhythm method is a female contraception. Based on the knowledge that the fertility of an egg doesn't exceed 24 hours, sperm cannot survive inside a woman for more than 4 days, and ovulation occurs 2 weeks before the next expected menstruation date, a woman with a regular menstrual cycle of 28-32 days can become pregnant between the 9th and 20th day after menstruation begins. Contraception is possible if intercourse is avoided during that time. But, depending on the individual, mental stress, acute illness, fever, medication, and travel can alter the monthly cycle, so this method needs to be applied carefully. This method is not appropriate for newlyweds who have frequent intercourse.
Vaginal tablets (suppository), cream, and jelly are vesicants that kill sperm ejaculated into the vagina. The main ingredient of spermicide is N-9 (nonoxynol-9). Spermicide is inserted in to the vagina 5-10 minutes prior to intercourse, but is not a 100% effective contraception method.
Contraception devices
This method includes condoms, worn by men, and diaphragms (product: Femidoms), worn by women. Many men use condoms. They are effective in preventing sexually transmitted diseases, and they are the easiest temporary contraception method. With diaphragms, choosing one that's the right size is important. If it's too big, women may feel discomfort, but if it's too small, the diaphragm may move during intercourse, making it less effective as a contraceptive. To increase contraceptive effectiveness, apply spermicide on the diaphragm right before intercourse, insert it in the vagina, and then take it out at least 8 hours after intercourse. Although this method reduces the contractibility of sexually transmitted diseases, 100% prevention is impossible. Arab merchants used to insert small rocks inside the uterus of their camels so the camels wouldn't become pregnant and would be able to transport goods for a long period of time. When a foreign body is inside the uterus, the fertilized ovum prevents implantation, and chemical changes occur in the endometrium, blocking pregnancy. This is the basic concept behind the use of an intrauterine device (IUD). Discuss this method, its proper administration, and its side effects with a gynecologist before choosing this method. A physician must insert the IUD. Oral contraception is the most effective method, and because women have control over this method, the most used method worldwide. Oral contraceptives used in the past had many side effects such as acne, weight gain, and nausea, but newer oral contraceptives are effective and have minimum side effects. Oral contraceptives are taken once a day for 21 days beginning on the first day of menstruation, and then there's a 7-day rest. The contraceptive is still effective during those 7 days, and menstruation occurs during this time. Regardless of the next menstruation date, the next pill is taken on the 8th day. Oral contraceptives are almost 100% effective. They also reduce the frequency of cramps, other menstrual syndromes, and the amount of menstruation and the frequency of anemia, an added benefit for women with iron deficiency anemia. Women who smoke or have heart disease may be at a higher risk for adverse and serious side effects; otherwise, this method is a relatively safe way to control pregnancy.
Permanent contraception
Vasectomies, for men, and tubal ligations and hysterectomies, for women, are operations that can be performed at the hospital. Because these operations are mostly for permanent contraception purposes, make a decision only after carefully consulting a medical specialist.
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