Breaking News
Wednesday, April 15, 2009


11:06 AM

Also known as
Pediculosis, lice or cooties

This is an infestation of tiny, parasitic insects (singular louse) that attack the skin of the scalp, trunk, and pubic areas. Lice infestation is transmitted person-to-person and via intimate objects that tend to be shared (brushes, combs, towels, hats, etc.). Lice are 3-4 mm long, making them barely visible to the naked eye. Body lice are usually found in the seams of underclothing, and generally go to the body only to feed. Hair and pubic lice are located in these areas.


* Head louse
* Body louse
* Pubic louse ("crabs")

Risk Factors

* Poor hygiene
* Overcrowded living conditions
* School children may pass to each other
* Sexual transmission


* Intense itching
* Raw skin from scratching
* Nits (tiny "willow buds") of lice eggs in hair

From appearance of nits or lice found

Trench fever, relapsing fever, and typhus are all diseases that may be transmitted by lice.

Similar Conditions

* Scabies
* Seborrheic dermatitis
* Eczema


* Lindane lotion (scabies)
* Permerthrin 1% cream
* Petrolatum for eyelid involvement
* Special combs with tightly meshed teeth are available for mechanical removal of lice from hair.

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